Check for old bangers

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

UKF Dubstep Back On It

Yes I am well aware that UKF Dubstep does not make these songs themselves, so why should they deserve credit?  They deserve credit because they bring the world the best dubstep there is, and puts it all under one name.  If you see that symbol on a song you know its a heater.  100% FACT.

Cutline destroys this one, similar to the Feed Me song I posted a few days back, it has a pretty awesome melody running through the whole song, not just a whole bunch of aimless whomps.  I beleive the cut back to that soft melody at the 2:34 mark is referred to as a "double time amen break".  I fucking love dubstep, it just shits epic all over the place.

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