Check for old bangers

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Olu is a young rapper out of Ohio who is an up and coming great.  As a huge supporter of new talent and young talent, I think all you guys need to take a minute to check this kid out, he is the real deal.  Last night I found a song by rapper Fashawn using one of Olu's new beats and found it to be rather interesting.  I also found the song to be about 1/10th of the caliber of Olu's version.  Talking to him this morning, Olu says that we should all expect a mixtape called P3, which will be released either this month or early January.  After poking around his youtube page for a bit I discovered this gem, a remix to Calvin Harris' "The Girls".  Solid song to add to your Olu library!

If you wanna check out more Olu I have included the links to his Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube pages below!

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