Check for old bangers

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Massive correction!

Posted last night about this monster of a track (Grind Remix ft. Olu) and made the claim that rapper Jody Duff was 15.  Duff is actually 17 years old, so I was not too far off but still impressive that such a young talent is doing well.  Check out his Facebook page, which you should all visit and like!

I was a bit throw by the bio on the page, which Jody's Dj, DJ JD, has informed me is not up to date.  One this is for sure though... this kid is a beast.  I have included the DL for the Grind Remix with Olu, the original Grind, and another one of Jody's tracks that I have been listening to the past few weeks.  Keep an eye out for this guy!

Jody Duff- SHIT

P.S- Thanks to Jody and DJ JD for giving us the shout on their FB page... let the dB nation grow!

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