Sonny Moore, also known as Skrillex, is an American Electronic musician from Los Angeles, California. This handsome bastard used to be the front man for a metal hardcore band called "From First To Last". Well aren't we glad he switched sides huh?
I bring you All Things Skrillex because my dear friend DJ Minnie Mouse was lucky enough to see him live last night at Arizona State University. No wait, she was lucky enough to hear about how sick he was, she was too busy studying for finals. Her PARTY CERTIFIED status is in contention for being revoked, but for the time being she decided to throw together a playlist for you noobs. Playlist is on the side bar, and I included some videos below just so you all can see how weirdly awesome Sonny Moore and Skrillex really are.
Skrillex performing In For The Kill Remix live at Abstract Music Fesitival in September of this year.
Sonny Moore, not Skrillex, in his offical music video for the song Mora. This dude must fucking LOVE drugs.
This video is pretty long and a little boring but its a Skrillex interview, its pretty cool listening to him talk about where he came from and where he is now, and some possible future colabs. If you have a few minutes I highly suggest giving it a look.